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Invitation to Sponsor the Cincy Deliver

Formally the Cincinnati Day of Agile and Cincy.Develop()

The Sponsorship Prospectus is now available! Download PDF
Please review and let us know if you have any questions.

Agile Conferences, Inc., and the Cincinnati .NET User Group (, both Ohio non-profit organizations, are pleased to announce our tenth conference!

I formed the Ohio non-profit Agile Conferences, Inc in 2010 to put on the very first Day of Agile. From that one day, one track event, we have grown to 5 tracks and over 500 attendees. The content, speakers, and attendees have always been a blend of process and technical, and we expanded the conference officially by adding on Cincy.Develop() as a co-located conference to specifically call out the technical side of the event.

During the planning of last year's event, it struck us that the conference is really about delivering software. Our selected sessions covered agile processes and scaling, development, quality, dev-ops, and soft skills. Hence the new name, Cincy Deliver!

To simplify navigation, all of the old URLs still work (,, but the new home that we are promoting is

Cincy Deliver will be held on Friday, July 26, 2024.
For the past two years we have brought in more than 500 attendees, and expect to hit 600 this year.

Your organization, as a leader in the Agile and/or Software Development Communities, can exhibit your message before a large audience of new and experienced Agilists, Program Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Quality Assurance, and Dev-Ops from across the midwest.

By leveraging the past success of the Cincinnati Day of Agile and the vast membership of local developer user groups such as the Cincinnati .NET User Group, this unique event in Cincinnati is certain to be another great success and we would like you to be a part of it.

Are you looking to hire professionals versed in agile development methodologies, software development, QA, dev-ops? Do you have a product or service to offer that helps teams improve their ability to deliver? This is your opportunity to talk to potential customers and/or employees from all over the region.

If you would like more information, please email us at

We look forward to working with you!