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Session Details

Title: Containerizing Your Dev. Environment

Speaker(s): Eric Smith

Time: 2:45 PM

Room: Savannah


We've all run into "it works on my machine" scenarios. In my experience, this is most prevalent in development environments. It can be application configuration, system configuration, tooling, or any combination of a wide array of variables that can cause the systems we write and maintain to run or fail in the most bizarre ways. Even if we're not releasing containerized apps, we can take advantage of running containers locally to better control our development environments. For this talk we will be using Docker and, while this won't be a complete Docker tutorial, we will touch lightly on building and running containers in Docker. From there we will build out increasingly complex environments, discuss orchestration among multiple containers, using containerized databases for integration testing, and even containerizing the full development toolchain.

Topic: Architecture

Target Audience: Intermediate

Keywords: Containers,Docker,.NET
