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Session Details

Title: Not So Junior: Supporting New Tech Talent and Transforming Your Team

Speaker(s): Tony Lunt

Time: 11:15 AM

Room: Charleston


As the barrier to entry for the Software Development industry continues to lower each year, technology skills are becoming increasingly more accessible. Today, emerging tech talent springs from a diverse array of sources, not limited to traditional college programs. Boot camps, online coursework, and self-education are broadening the talent pool and equipping individuals who might not have otherwise considered a technology career. However, some organizations and teams remain hesitant to hire from this ascending talent pool, or struggle to support them effectively when they do. This session will explore strategies for better supporting emerging tech talent, and in doing so, transforming our teams. We will delve into the role of new developers within modern IT teams, covering considerations for interviewing, hiring, and onboarding. We will also discuss how product backlogs and team processes can be structured to best leverage all members of the team. Further, we will discuss the transformative impact these individuals can have, alongside the unexpected benefits of embracing the various backgrounds within our teams and organizations. This presentation is designed to offer practical tools for leaders, developers, and new technologists, fostering a more inclusive and innovative environment.

Topic: Agile Experiences

Target Audience: General

Keywords: Teams, Agile Teams, Dev Teams, Junior, Leadership, Management
