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Session Details

Title: Servant Leaders: We Serve with Style(s)

Speaker(s): Chris Philipsen

Time: 11:15 AM

Room: Marquis (Ascendum)


Servant Leaders: We Serve with Style(s) Undoubtedly, you have shared a meeting or two with many leaders of all types. You’ve also very likely heard of servant leadership many times. But do you know the true history of the concept? Have you witnessed examples of great, big picture servant leaders? Do you wish to be the best servant leader you can? This interactive session will discuss the context of being a servant leader in any setting. Big picture topics include a short history of servant leadership in a work setting, principles that build on each other, and leadership styles to employ as a servant leader; tangible topics include servant leadership in your own context and creating independent leadership style experiments to become better servant leaders.

Topic: Agile Experiences (This session will have many opportunities for the audience to interact, share examples and stories, a take-away canvas with servant leadership principles and leadership styles, and create their own experiments to take away and run independently.)

Target Audience: Intermediate

Keywords: Serve, Servant, Servant Leadership, Leadership, Mindset, Style, Experiment
